Shack-Hartmann lens array


Data:2018-06-08 17:59

Zhuhai Multiscale’s Shack-Hartmann lens arrays are the heart of Shack-Hartmann wavefront-sensors. These microlens arrays are available in fused silica and in a variety of focal lengths.
  • Diffraction limited
  • Superior surface quality
  • Interstitial masking (optional)
  • Long focal lengths
Technical Data
  description note
Surface profile Spherical  
Array Pitch 300um customizable
Focal length 5~15mm customizable
Roughness <5nm  
Surface profile deviation <30nm  
Physical dimension 8mm*8mm*1mm L*W*H
Material Fused silica  
Scope of delivery
Micro-tubes, undiced wafer, diced wafer, waffle packs